Frequently Asked Question

How to post job announcement with ?
Last Updated 6 years ago

In order to post a job announcement on Bong Srey please provide the information detailed below to the email address

  1. Company information:
    1. Name of company
    2. Description of company - including background information about what the company does.
    3. Company address
    4. Company benefits
  2. Job announcement information:
    1. Position name
    2. Location - for example Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Sihanoukville, etc.
    3. Working schedule
      1. Full -time / part-time
      2. Short-term / permanent
    4. Salary level
    5. Duties for position
    6. Skills for position
  3. Information on how to apply
  4. Contact information - such as contact name and phone number
  5. Job announcement closing date
The announcement must be in the Khmer language, so that the announcement will be available in both text and sound. Please see examples on the web site.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please CONTACT US.

Thank you,

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