Frequently Asked Question

WHY BUY KHOINS? Can I just pay with regular money?
Last Updated 4 years ago

Posting and publication payments through Bong Srey can only be done by using khoins. Using khoins makes your advertising much simpler and more flexible. You will be able to:

  • Start and stop ads as you like day by day
  • Add and remove positions as you like
  • Have better control and management of the pinning of your ads
  • Be able to buy khoins in BULK - this will afford you a good saving!
  • and much more ...
Khoins are an easy, convenient and very flexible way to manage and organize your publishing across Bong Srey. They might seem a little odd or untrustworthy when you first come across them - but believe us - when you start to use them you will realise how much better and easier is to use khoins.

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